Yeah, I’m with you 100% in regards to being stumped as to how any of those bloggers might see any kind of benefit to Trump. Sure, Trump may, say, pull out of the TPP (and so save some jobs from being lost), but, and supposing that he actually does so (of which I’d be stunned), what’s the catch? Because there’s no way there wouldn’t be a catch. Besides that, and as far as I can tell, the only “good” thing that could come out of a Trump presidency is that if you’ve got white skin you aren’t going to get the shaft quite as quickly as if you have non-white skin. Yay?
For those aware of the impending collapse of industrial civilization, has spending time writing (and reading) about these elections been a waste of time and breath? For the most part, yeah, I think you’re mostly right about that as well. I do think though that Greer gave some excellent explanations (which were mostly absent from the mainstream media) on why Trump was about to be elected. Unfortunately, I nonetheless think that such explanations fell, and still fall, mostly on deaf ears. Even here in Australia I hear anti-Trumpers still stating, while whole-heartedly laughing, that Trump supporters “really are a bunch of deplorables”. Even after losing to Trump they still have no clue as to how condescending they’ve been (and still are) and that that’s exactly what got Trump elected. I see no evidence that they’re going to clue in any time soon.
But even though I too “succumbed to temptation” (I had a good laugh at that one), I certainly can’t speak for the others, and not just because I’m the pip-squeak in the collapse bloggosphere. If I can excuse myself a tad, I wasn’t planning on writing on it at all until I got that WWE analogy in my head and so pointed out the uber-spectacle of it all (I’m talking about that three-parter on the WWE/WEE wrote). And what a dumb idea that was. As I stated to those on my email notification list upon writing part three, after the election:
Sick and tired of these U.S. elections as much as I am? I doubt it. Seeing how I said I was writing a trio of posts on the whole thing I kind of forced myself to have to write a part three.
Because boy was I not wanting to write on the whole thing anymore.
Regarding my writing about the PropOrNot list, I wouldn’t have done so were it not for having noticed William Engdahl’s site, for whatever worth that ended up being.
Otherwise, yeah, it kind of ticks me off that I’ve made such an utter waste of my time this past year or two paying any attention to this stuff and taking it seriously in the slightest. A mate of mine shut down his Facebook account, partly due to being fed up with the asinine spectacle. Good on him.
That all being said, there’s a big Trump protest coming up here in Melbourne on January 21st. I tend to get a kick out of protesting protesters, so perhaps I’ll go with a sign reading “Democrats are responsible for Trump’s election - SHAME!” Then when people approach me and I try and waywardly talk about peak oil and/or the collapse of industrial civilization they’ll be mostly be polite, walk away, and think that I’m a loony-tune.
I really gotta get out of this city.
p.s. To give one collapse blogger some credit, at least RE of the Doomstead Diner said yesterday that
As of now, 2017 looks like it will be a watershed year in the World of Collapse. The election of Trumpty-Dumpty and his installation of Billionaires, Corporatocracy CEOs and Military Generals as Cabinet members and his Advisory team speaks clearly to exactly what kind of “Populist” this jerk is. It boggles my mind that people are so foolish as to buy any of the nonsense he spouted out through the campaign. It’s a fucking GUARANTEE he will eviscerate civil liberties, curtail free speech & freedom of assembly and increase the power of the Police State, all the stuff Libertarians say they are against! He’s also obviously going to give away the store to fellow plutocrats and .01%ers, he’s already stacked the whole fucking cabinet with them! Jamie Dimon and Carl Icahn are his economic advisors here for crying out loud! He’s going to shrink the Military? Are you fucking NUTS? He’s already appointed 3 Generals to his cabinet, one of whom worked for General Dynamics after leaving the military! He’s up for a new Nuclear Arms Race! He’s got Jamie fucking Dimon & Carl leveraged buyout Icahn as his leading advisors on the Economy! Can you get more status quo BAU Military-Industrial-Banking complex than this? This is “draining the swamp”? More like “swimming in the swamp”.